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Teaching Philosophy

 Education is a tool for learning and helping improve previous knowledge of things through a certain method or methods.  As an educator, I'm aware of what I’m going to teach, how to, and the benefit of my knowledge to others as well as being able to identify skill sets, changes, and understanding my students. 

Meeting a new teacher can be a scary experience for new students and I think I can avoid that through proper classroom management.  I would create a welcoming environment to help prevent students from feeling on edge or unsafe, with setting basic classroom rules, give purpose to certain elements in the room, and build a simple routine to follow. I would encourage students to have creative input and additions to help make the room more personalized and safe.  Creating this type of classroom let fellow staff, students, and parents know that its a safe, students focus class that is welcoming to all. I want to have the classroom to show that diverse and creative learning is encouraged there. 

I believe that children learn better through hands-on activities and I will encourage this by demonstrating while they practice as well. I would set my lesson plan and classroom up to help to demonstrate the new information so all can benefit. Depending on what is taught and to whom, like a new skill to newcomers, I would change my assessment according to if the student’s work matches their individual skillset. With my classes being mostly independent work, I would give a set amount of time to the class as a goal to finish while having a goal of having improved work from previous ones. 

For lesson plans, I would take works from around the world to study to help students learn about different cultures and styles of that region as well as during different time periods. Some other projects might also encourage students to draw examples from their life and other communities to not only explore the world but their own surroundings.  I hope to build bonds between the parents, and community by sharing the works of the young generations to help build a connection to each other with care and understanding of their learning and development in life. 

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