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Art 309-02 

Professional Art Education Sequence, Secondary

HOIC Lesson- Rhythm and Movement 


   Slide show             Lesson Plan              How-to Slide 

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 3 - Planning for Differentiated Instruction – The competent teacher plans and designs instruction based on content area knowledge, diverse student characteristics, student performance data, curriculum goals, and the community context. The teacher plans for ongoing student growth and achievement.

Description: For the HOIC lesson the main focus was the elements of visual arts, Rhythm and Movement. The lesson had students create mixed media artwork focusing on a part of their life where rhythm and movement is a large part of that event.  We taught the lesson to two groups of high schoolers ranging in skill level, material knowledge, and age groups. The sessions were about an hour and 45 minutes long with 15-20 minutes focused on the presentation of the lesson and activity. 

Rationale: By creating this lesson, teaching it, and later on critiquing the work of the students, I've improved in many ways.  I got a better understanding of how important examples and practicing with students even when working with high school.  Demonstrating how to use oil pastels and providing examples of how to brainstorm and brainstorming help the students gain clarity about the project and explore ideas and themes in rhythm and movement.  The two sessions allows me to adapt and change the lesson and flow of the presentation and information which yielded better results in the second group.  Later on, when practicing grading the HOIC work, I was able to reflect on what went well and not so well. By finishing the lesson by grading the work, I was able to understand how to better use objectives in the lesson plan and improve on providing clarity on instructions and expectations and giving feedback. 

Evidence: Some of the students' work for the two workshops

HOIC Rhythm & Movement workshop .jpg
HOIC Rhythm & Movement workshop  (1).jpg
HOIC Rhythm & Movement workshop  (2).jpg

Identity Through Collage Project

     Unit Plan       Giana De Dier Handout         Rubric         Artist Statement

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 5 - Instructional Delivery – The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. This teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student. Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 7 - Assessment – The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.

309 UNIT PLAN (unit plan, artist handout, rubric, artwork, artist statement)

Description: I created a lesson plan that focuses on creating a collage using a variety of materials to create a piece that is represented the artist. The lesson has students creating practice pieces to get a better understanding of the collage format and composition and has students work on talking and describing art using in-class discussion, in-class critique, and artist statement.


 Rationale: I want to create a new unit plan to create additional resources to better prepare myself for student teaching. Creating this unit plan allowed me to try a more in-depth look at collage while creating a plan that focuses on skills development like building connections to social and cultural influences using symbols, self-reflection, and communicating and writing about art. 

Additional Evidence- Link to the Unit Plan Folder

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 6 - Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication – The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge. 

Description: For the Identity through Collage unit plan, I created a literacy lesson jamboard to work on during the project before students started writing their artist statements and to better prepare them for the class critique. The lesson has the students learning about using describing words and focusing on identifying items and possibly themes in the artwork. The lesson examines a new artist that focuses of identity in their work, to introduce them to new material.  A few of the questions are from the artist statement handout to help students get a better understanding and more comfortable with writing their artist statement. 
Rationale: Having students work on a literacy lesson allows for summative assessment to occur during the process of acknowledging their skills in written and oral communication, knowledge of the content-based language, and their visual literacy skills. Having students participate in the jam board format allows me to get to see responds in text format and verbal format during the in class practice of the lesson

Evidence: Link to the JamBoard

Literacy Lesson- How to Talk About Art?
Professionalism, Advocacy, & Leadership: PAL 1

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

"All About Art Ed"
Art Education Art Show

Description:  The senior art education students at Illinois State University had an exhibition to showcase the artworks and projects of the students in the program. The exhibition allowed future art educators to showcase their works and talents before graduation and entering the education field to help create and guide future artists.

Rationale: Even though I did not submit any artwork for the show, attending the show and supporting my classmates reminded me to continue to create art and to be involved with the art and art education community around me.

Evidence: Group photo at the exhibition!

All about ed photo.jpg
returning to / trở về 

Description: I attended the reception of Sarah Eckstine and Jade Nyguyen, a two-person exhibition, at Central Illinois Regional Airport, Bloomington, Illinois. Sarah and Jade are both photography grad assistants at Illinois State University and are currently teaching and co-teaching multiple different format photography classes. The exhibition showcases a photo series of scenic photos of each of their travels back home and a way to examine the journey back home and the emotions and feelings of returning. The photos are paired together based on the similarities captured by each photographer. 

Rationale: Going to receptions and gallery events help with building connections in the community and the opportunity to see the talent and awesome works of others in the field. Going to the reception of the exhibition allowed me to talk to both of them about their work and how the idea of home and belonging can be captured in so many ways. The photographs are also a great example of mastery of skills in creating and developing unique and visually pleasing images while documenting their migrating between their two homes. 

Evidence: Flier for the Exhibition and Links to their website. Sarah Eckstine and Jade Nyguyen

returning to trởvề.jpg
Professionalism, Advocacy, & Leadership: PAL 2

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Boys and Girls Club Principle of Art Lesson

Description:  Volunteer to help out with the after-school elements of the visual art program organized by Illinois Art Station held at the Bloomington Boys and Girls Club.  For the spring semester, art educators from Illinois Art Station taught kindergarten and first graders the elements involved in the principle of art. 

Rationale:  I really enjoyed helping with this program, and would like to help with programs like this in the future. Providing kids with materials and resources to learn more about art outside of the classroom setting can encourage students to be more creative and seek out creative outlets. My short time at the Boys and Girls Club did remind me how chaotic elementary students can be and how important clear and simple instruction and setting guidelines with students helps with the chaos. 


 Evidence: Photos of the kids' artwork

Graymont Fine Arts Day

Description: Volunteer to work one of the stations at the Graymont Grade School Fine art day event. The event was a collection of five stations where students were able to participate in visual art-themed activities for 30 minutes for the day. Students got the opportunity to participate in art-themed games, rock painting, squeegee art, marker art, and origami. 

Rationale: I got the chance to teach groups of five to 12 students the art of origami ranging from kindergarten to eighth grade. I'm comfortable with making origami pieces, but teaching students how to make origami items is a very different task. Compared to the Boys and Girls Club program I help with,  this time I had more of a leading role and teaching. The event was really fun and I got to work and see how important organizing and planning is in the art room and in an event like this. I realized that allowing student choice is great but making sure I'm prepared and have the skills to best support the students' choices makes everything goes a lot smoother and less frustrating. I am really happy that I went to help out at the event because it was organized by the art teacher at Graymont who is also a fellow art education student.

Evidence: Photos from the event

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