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Art 211-
Media, Techniques, and Inquiry Suitable for Secondary Schools

Representation Painting 

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

Artist Statement-

Using cropping and softer brushstrokes, a peaceful and relaxed moment in life is captured. The composition of a dark surrounding and unique light sources create an almost ominous setting but the body language and expression being center in the painting tell a different story. In life, finding the good moments in dark times where you can be at peace at the moment is sometimes difficult to achieve. These moments are goals in my life, and by recreating them, they remind me to be myself and that it's okay to relax, de-stress, and to reset my mindset. So moments like waiting for dinner in a lodge with a friend after a day of hiking are more valuable to life than they might seem. 

This is my example of the representation project for the Frames unit plan along with the artist statement.

This is a short statement discussing HOW this evidence demonstrates that I have generally met the standard listed above.

  • The artwork's content is thoroughly explained within the artist's statement and is associated with additional ideas.

  • The artwork is very well crafted and shows an understanding of materials and tools.

  • The artist's statement clearly links the artwork's expressive qualities and ideas to its design

By completing the Representation unit plan, I was demonstrate the abilities I've learned during the unit.

  • Thoroughly develop an artist's statement that relates to and explains the artwork

  • Show a clear understanding of color mixing and how to use materials wisely as well as how to make a well-crafted and completed art piece.

  • Develop an artist's statement that clearly links the artwork's expressive qualities and ideas to its design

Representation painting, and artist statement

211 Unit Plan- Representing Self

IPTS (2013) - STANDARD 1 - Teaching Diverse Students - The competent teacher understands the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student and how individuals develop and learn within the context of their social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences. The teacher uses these experiences to create instructional opportunities that maximize student learning.

Description: In Art 211, I got the opportunity to co-teach a unit plan where students learn about how to represent themselves by using symbols, words, and imagery to depict themselves visually. This was done by having the students decorate a mixed media puzzle piece where they had to use an element of printmaking for their symbol. The puzzle piece element was to emphasize community and individuality, that as individuals their unique characteristics still show even when grouped together in a community.

Rationale: The goal is for the students to think critically about how they can visually represent themselves. Students also were about to learn how to color mix by making a color wheel at the beginning of the unit and how to print make. Students were able to learn how to design, transfer their designs, carve their pieces and print their designs.

Evidence: The Representing Self Unit Plan, Teacher Examples, Students's Artwork

Teacher Examples

Representing Self Unit Plan Assessment Assignment
IPTS (2013) -STANDARD 7 - Assessment - The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessment for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.


Description:  By introducing printmaking and knowing that this is the first time majority of the students are learning about printmaking we decided to have the assessment be around printmaking. We decided to measure the completion of the stamp and the attempts of multiple test prints. We used this for the formative assessment to see if they are able to complete the required element and understand on to properly print an image onto their piece.  The summative assessment was based more on completion and with the inclusions of the element of printmaking, using two different media, including symbols that represents them, and explain their piece in their artist statement.  The summative assessment is done at the end of the unit with a rubric that acts as a guideline for the assessment.

Rationale: With the requirement of having to include a form of printmaking in the project, having an assessment around the completion of the printmaking part of the unit, helped us make sure students are following the lesson plan. The assessment also lets us know which students might be struggling with certain areas or the printing part of the assignment. The summative assignment being at the end of the project allows us to have an overview of the unit as a whole and allow us to see what might have been the weak points for some students and weak points in the lesson.

Evidence: Unit's formative assessment and rubric

Representing Self Unit Plan- Artist Handout and PowerPoint

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 6 -Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication - The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.

Description: For the unit, each person in the group for the co-teaching unit created an artist handout about an artist that focuses on identity in some way in their art. I picked Alicia Brown, who is a Jamaican painter that focuses on modernizing classical portraiture by painting ordinary people in their own version of an Elizabethan Ruff and with symbolism used throughout the portraits. The handout goes over the history of Brown and her work, and their impact on the art world. Questions are included using the Conceptual Frames as a guideline to help students question and analyze her work.  The handout also allows students to have sources for the information presented, a comparison section to classical portraiture with historical information included, and vocabulary that is throughout the handout and their definitions. When presenting the lesson, we present the students with a PowerPoint that includes a brief summary of each artist we selected with photos of their artwork, and their connection to the unit plan.  The PowerPoint also allowed us a way to have the instructions in a written format and a verbal format while presenting.  During the presentation, we had handouts for students to fill out to help them to start thinking about how they think of themselves and to encourage students to start brainstorming and sketching ideas for the project.

Rationale: The questions included in the handout allow students the chance of learning how to look at art from more than a visual standpoint. It encourages students to look at the artwork and attempt to figure out why certain choices were made, like the subject matter, material choices, historical and cultural elements incorporated into the work, and how history and culture have impacted the art and its meaning. The questions and subject matter allow students to learn and analyze how art is about the history and culture surrounding it, the art-making process, and the subject represented or not represented.

Evidence: Unit handouts and Power Point

Professionalism, Advocacy, & Leadership: PAL 1

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Beyond Van Gogh

Description: Went to Beyond Van Gogh- the immersive experience in St. Louis at The Starry Night Pavillon at St. Louis Galleria. 

Rationale: Having this experience as a future art teacher allows me to experience how historical artworks can be modernized. The exhibition also expanded my knowledge of what digital media and installation work can be and how much goes into an event/experience like this. This also reminds me to continue to seek out events and exhibitions in the arts that I can share with my students. It also allow me the chance to educate my dad on the Impressionism movement, Van Gogh's life and artworks, and how the development of art supplies changed what art can be. I also got the chance to learn more about Van Gogh's life and see works I haven't previously seen or heard about.

Evidence: Video I took during the event

Art Education Faculty Candidate Review

Description: I attended the zoom class of Art 309, where an Art Education Faculty candidate, Felix Rodriguez taught the class as part of his review for the position. 

Rationale: Attending the class allowed me the opportunity to have a preview of the course I will be taking in the Fall of 2022 and allow me the chance to voice my opinion on the possible new faculty member since the decision would have an impact on my educational career. I also got the chance to see the process that going into selecting a new professor for the program which is helps me get a better understanding of how professors are selected and shows what I might experience during a hiring process.

Evidence: A summary and personal reflection on the experience

Professionalism, Advocacy, & Leadership: PAL 2

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Scholastic Art Award Exhibition






Description:  Volunteer to help set up the Scholastic Art Awards Exhibition for the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards for the Mid-Central Illinois Art Region. The exhibition was at Springfield Art Association and displayed the winning works of students ranging from 7th to 12th grade from the region. Scholastic Art and Writing is an organization that allows students the opportunities to share their works with the community and provide the chances for prizes like scholarships, publications, and cash prizes.

Rationale: The setup of the exhibition is done by current art teachers involved in the Scholastic Art Awards and members of the Springfield Art Association. During my time there I was able to meet and talk with them and learn more about the Art field and programs like Scholastic, and the teacher's role when having your school participate in Scholastic. It was interesting to learn about the wide variety of mediums these teachers taught and especially with the majority of them being the only Visual Art teacher at their schools. By setting up the exhibition I learn about how important displaying and mounting is for shows, every piece on paper or has to be probably mounted on a mat board and 3D work placement varies depending on the artist's ideal view for the piece. When it was all done I was able to look at all the winning works and was amazed at how talented students are. It is amazing seeing the impressive works of the students from the area and I hope they continue to create even after graduation.  

Evidence: Two works that I personally liked the most.

HOIC Art Festival 2022

Description: Workshop aide for 309 art student, Torie Knibbs at the Heart of Illinois Conference Art Festival 2022 at Illinois State University. The lesson was about conveying meaning using Negative Space, students learned about the difference between positive and negative space and how the absence or void of an object can imply an impactful meaning to an image.

Rationale: Compared to helping at the Saturday classes from last semester, I realized that working with high school students is a completely different set of skills that one has to develop. As the teacher, you have to be more engaging with the students to really encourage deeper meaning in their work and help them come to understand the work more without pushing too hard. Having the chance to work on those skills and reflecting on what I learn will help me when I'm teaching high schoolers. It was also nice seeing another peer further along in the program actually teach a lesson effectively and seeing the actual steps of the type of lesson plans we have been making executed well.  I also got the opportunity to talk about and experience how the environment of the classroom is important to how the students work. The students seem more comfortable and confident with creating more personal works with calming music and decoration with informative art posters that provide helpful tips and reminders present in the classroom.

Evidence: Students working on projects and Students' artworks

Student Working 1.JPG
Untitled presentation.jpg
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