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Art 212-

Teaching in the Digital Studio

Mini Portifolio

​1D: understands properties of two- and three-dimensional space an of the fourth dimension, time. 2D: collaborates with other arts specialists in developing inter-related artworks.

​The following artworks expanded my understanding and skills in digital media and futurism ideas, that I can use in the digital classroom. With every new piece my knowledge and understanding of working with properties of the two-, three-, and the fourth dimension improved and allow me to create the following pieces.


Altered Site

Media Dream 

Altered site.jpg
Media Dream.jpg

"Altered Site" is the theme of the collage that utilizing multiple layers, tools, and effects in photoshop.

Picture of Nothing


Based on Clark Goldsberry's "9 Modalities of Photographing Nothing" we were assigned to take our own version of photos of nothing.

Interactive Game

 The theme this collage "Media Dream" by utilizing multiple layers, tools, and effects in photoshop. I decided to use multiple forms of media, like animation, ink, and photography in the collage.

Stop Motion Video

We were assigned to create a stop motion video which I accomplish using the app, "Stop Motion". Besides the duck, I created all the paper pieces for the video.

Something In the Distance

Something in the Distance
00:00 / 01:52

We were assigned to create a game using either Excel, Powerpoint, or Word. I create a simple color creating game using powerpoint.

We were assigned to record and edit an audio piece responding to the idea of futurism. I create the audio file called "Something In the Distance" and through this process, I discover a good audio-making website,

Album Cover Unit Lesson Plan and Support Materials

5B)  understands principles and techniques, along with advantages and limitations, associated with a wide range of evidence-based instructional practices;
5C)  knows how to implement effective differentiated instruction through the use of a wide variety of materials, technologies, and resources;
5D)  understands disciplinary and interdisciplinary instructional approaches and how they relate to life and career experience

This lesson plan is designed for high school students in a second-year photoshop and graphic class. The idea is for students to create a personal album cover following genre themes and using personal works while including a symbol that has a personal meaning to them.


The assignment addressed these National Visual Arts Standards for the High School Advanced level-

  • VA:Cr1.1.IIIa: Visualize and hypothesize to generate plans for ideas and directions for creating art and design that can affect social change. 

  • VA:Cr1.2.IIIa :Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and contemporary artistic practices, following or breaking established conventions, to plan the making of multiple works of art and design based on a theme, idea, or concept.

  • VA:Cr2.1.IIIa: Experiment, plan, and make multiple works of art and design that explore a personally meaningful theme, idea, or concept.

  • VA:Cr2.2.IIIa: Demonstrate understanding of the importance of balancing freedom and responsibility in the use of images, materials, tools, and equipment in the creation and circulation of creative work.

  • VA:Cr2.3.IIIa:Demonstrate in works of art or design how visual and material culture defines, shapes, enhances, inhibits, and/or empowers people's lives.

  • VA:Cr3.1.IIIa: Reflect on, re-engage, revise, and refine works of art or design considering relevant traditional and contemporary criteria as well as personal artistic vision.

Creating a unit lesson plan has taught me how much work goes into creating a lesson plan. Before I didn't know anything about the National Visual Art Standards, figuring out how to improve the lesson to be more accessible and to work with all types of students. I finished this project with a better understanding of how much information and material is collect for one unit. I also learned more about album covers which increase my interest in the project and make me more motivated to share the information and see others' interpretations of the assignment.

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