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A Manifesto

Art isn't exclusive. Art can be art if it contains meaning or values to the creator.  Whenever I'm inspired to make something, I'm not focusing on if it will sell, will anyone like it, or if it is taboo or tacky. I'm making it because it is what I want to express at the moment or what I feel inspired to make. It's my outlet that I can share with everyone or no one, as I so choose. Besides using my feeling and emotions as inspiration, I can illustrate my values, daily interactions, likes and interests, and my abstracts thoughts through my art. Because it's an outlet, I am fairly free with what media and subjects I use. This allows me to not only be flexible but knowing that each medium takes time to improve and master, it also adds appreciation to the craft and the work it involves to perfect it.

I have a particular interest in drawing animals and people that developed from the numerous family trips traversing the United States, visiting zoos, aquariums, museums, and people-watching at to tourist traps and theme parks.  I'm drawn to realistic images of the natural world with varying levels of abstraction. It shows my appreciation for the subject piece while adding my personal touch with the abstract element to change the subject completely.

Though I do try new mediums and techniques, I prefer graphite pencils overall. They are the most forgiving medium when used properly. They allow the most detail, whether it's heavy thick lines or smooth light shading. Pencil sketches are the first steps in many other projects and I can use them anywhere.

Besides making art for myself, I make art to inspire others to make their own art and to help spread appreciation of the beauty of the subject and the art itself. Whenever people ask me to "fix" their art, I remind them that art is a skill that I've developed and that they too can keep practicing and improving. I've gradually learned how to fix mistakes and how to get better outcomes with different media through trial and error and persistent problem-solving. I want others to see my work and are inspired to make their own art and improve their own skills, I feel a sense of accomplishment to creating artwork myself. 

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